Paris FringeTheatreWomanhood REVIEW: Skank, Clementine Bogg-Hargroves & Future Artists, Paris Fringe 2020 ★★★★☆ Jake Mace
Paris FringeSpoken WordTheatre REVIEW: Necessary Devil by Knight and Dais Entertainment, Paris Fringe 2020 ★★☆☆☆ Mike Dorey
MarginalisedParis FringeSpoken Word REVIEW: Growing into My Skin, Ioana Goga, Paris Fringe 2020 ★★★★☆ Aditi Mohan
ComedyMagicParis Fringe REVIEW: El Diablo of the Cards, Ewerton Martins, Paris Fringe 2020 ★★★★☆ Mike Dorey
Paris FringeSpoken WordTheatre REVIEW: Etched Glass Decanter, Evening Crane Theatre, Paris Fringe 2020 ★★★★★ Jake Mace
NewsParis Fringe The Fringe Festival Kicking the Pandemic with a Free All-Online Programme – Paris Fringe 2020 Jake Mace
INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Nicholas Alder, on Sacred Grounds, Abusive Relationships, and Religious Rhetoric March 22, 2025