Asian VoicesLondonPoliticsTheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Chris Fung, on Capitalism, Mental Health, and Manhood Jake Mace
ClownEdFringeLondonQueerStorytellingTheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Xhloe and Natasha, on Housewives, Boy Scouts, and Touring Across the Pond Jake Mace
LondonNew WritingStorytellingTheatre REVIEW: Swan Teeth, Sofia JM Bitelli, Theatreship ★★★☆☆ Phoebe Bakker
LondonMarginalised GendersQueerRace & IdentityTechnology & AITheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Arianna Muñoz, on being Chronically Online and the Realities of Fangirling Jake Mace
CommunityLondonTheatreWorking Class INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Georgina Duncan, on Northern Communities, Cherry Liquor, and ASBOs Jake Mace
HistoryLondonTheatreWoman-LedWomanhood INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Claire Parker, on Victorian Feminism, Magic Realism and Mary de Morgan Jake Mace
GriefLondonNeurodiversityTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Alex John, on Neurodiverse Representation, Grief and Sit-Coms Jake Mace
LondonMarginalised GendersQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Rebecca Millar and Elissa Nicholson on Baggage, Identity, HR and Hierarchy Jake Mace
LondonNon-BinaryQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Maria Cristina Petitti & Everleigh Brenner, on Eulogies, Fondue, and the Female & Gender Non-Conforming Gaze Jake Mace
IllnessLondonQueerTheatreWoman-Led INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Ella McCormack & Molly McFarlane, on Diagnoses, Relationships, and Espresso Martinis Jake Mace
ComedyLondonTheatreWoman-LedWomanhood INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Stephanie McNeil, on Misogyny, Dating Apps, Female Friendships and Margaritas Jake Mace
LondonQueerTechnology & AITheatre INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Conor O’Cuinn, on Queer Hook-Ups, Tennessee Williams and Mezcal Margaritas Jake Mace
INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… ZAVA Productions, playing ‘HIDE and SEEK’ at VAULT Festival February 6, 2023