Advertising your Adelaide Fringe show with Binge Fringe Magazine is an impact-focused, powerful way to connect with new audience members. Our dedicated readership of tens of thousands per year are engaged with arts created on the margin.
Our ads aim to help you fill your seats with creatively charged audiences interested in your creative journey for just $23 AUD.
Our Advertising Offer
We offer engaging, simple advertising through our Virtual Flyer Carousel. This will be presented as a scrollable carousel of A6 ‘online flyers’ above every page and post on our website throughout Adelaide Fringe 2025. These flyers are clickable, and will lead directly to your show’s Adelaide Fringe ticket booking page.
All shows who book an advert with us will also be offered a feature interview post as part of our globally popular A Digital Pint with… series highlighting artists and their creative process.
The link for the ad will be trackable, and we will provide updates on how your ad is performing throughout the festival in terms of directing our readers to your show’s page.
Please Note: After payment we will request artwork to be sent to us via email to us ASAP to generate your advertisement, which will then be added to the site within 24 hours of you sending us your artwork. A minimum size for artwork applies of 1748px x 1240px. Apologies, we cannot accept AI-Generated artwork or advertise Family/Children-oriented work.
From our Story to Yours…
Binge Fringe is a not-for-profit magazine dedicated to amplifying underrepresented voices in the arts. Since starting writing reviews and interviews at Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2018, we have expanded our coverage to festivals worldwide.
Advertising with Binge Fringe has been a game-changer for shows at the Edinburgh Fringe, helping them cut through the noise and connect with the right audiences. Their platform not only boosts visibility, translating directly into increased ticket sales. In a festival as competitive as the Fringe, having Binge Fringe on your side is an invaluable advantage.”
– Nicholas Abrams, Venue Publicity Manager, theSpaceUK (Edinburgh Fringe)
We focus on showcasing new writing and performances that challenge conventional narratives, with a particular interest in themes such as race, identity, marginalised genders, neurodiversity, disability, climate justice, and social activism, in all genres from cabaret to theatre, music to spoken word.
We want to help you reach audiences that are engaged with the arts, and interested in hearing your story.