Cue: The most passionate, committed, slightly unhinged sketch comedy group there ever was. Tarot are back this year, with a vengeance. This time, the audience has the power in their hands.
Multiple tarot cards adorn the stage, depicting ‘The Wheel of Fortune’ and ‘The Lovers’ amongst others. There’s two hours worth of sketch content with an hour’s running time, and it’s up to us to pick the ones we want to see. What will we pick? Where will this journey take us? Is this what free will really feels like?
Who knew a comedy troupe of three in matching white nighties could be so side-splittingly funny? The members of Tarot complement each other so well, revelling in each others’ hilarity, and masterfully entertaining us in the process.
The format of this year’s show works unbelievably well. Audience members text in secrets which inform the choosing of sketches, giving us an unexpected yet deliciously cheeky insight into the unsuspecting public. We chuck crumpled up personality tests (reminiscent of a particular church…) into labelled boxes which opens up the next sketchy chapter.
Adam, Ed, and Kath absorb us into each progressively silly scene, combining clever ideas and delivering them with energy and gusto. Hysterical too are the moments where they delight in the live nature of their comedy, adding new twists to the sketches they’ve been performing all month.
Ed Easton’s delivery in particular is spectacularly funny. He trips over multiple words and phrases, executing his comedy in eccentric and off-beat fashion. The more he does this trick the more I fail to catch my breath through laughing. If he carries on I fear I may expire.
At this point, everyone knows that Tarot are a hit, but it is a joy to see how much they still love performing alongside their growing popularity. It makes it all the better to witness them having as much fun as we are. If you wanna get happy, get down to Tarot: Shuffle.
Recommended Drink: Apple-bobbing water (iykyk).
Performances for Tarot: Shuffle have now concluded at EdFringe 2024.
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