Binge Fringe Magazine

REVIEW: Alexis Sakellaris: A STAN IS BORN!, EdFringe 2024 ★★★★★

Pitch-perfect vocals meet jubilant, buoyant musical comedy in A STAN IS BORN! We’re introduced to Alexis Sakellaris’ unusual upbringing in the German countryside, how he found the Divas that would change the course of his life forever, a harsh reaction from his peers to coming out as Gay, and a surprisingly deep and sentimental family drama underneath it all. There’s a lot to pack into one hour – but Sakellaris does it with such infectious charm and lucidity that you’re absolutely captivated.

As we enter the room, we’re greeted by Alexis’ mother singing them a bedtime song, as Alexis emerges onto a stage covered in fan t-shirts for various female singers from across the ages – from Aretha Franklin up to Lady Gaga. Sakellaris offers up a definition of ‘Stan’ – to mean stalker fan, or to mean the star of the music video for an Eminem song from the early 2000s. We’re taken on a whirlwind history of ‘stan-dom’, what it means to stand up and believe in a singer, or a diva, and how that culture has taken on a meaning of its own.

Alexis quickly relates it back to his own upbringing, discussing the relationships with the women that defined his life and how they all stepped into the shoes of becoming divas in their own right (even if Alexis maybe nudged them into those shoes along the way). He comes to look at whether idolising people in such a wholehearted manner is detrimental to his own wellbeing and sense of self, and ends up knocking upon a surprisingly emotive, powerful conclusion.

The comedy is caked in hysterical self-referentialism and humour deriving from Sakellaris’ unusual upbringing, alongside self-aware jokes about how much the internet has affected his psyche. The humour clings to the light touch feel of the piece, and never gets too weighty despite some dark themes inserted along the way. You’ll be laughing, you’ll be singing, you’ll leave with a big smile on your face.

All of this is underpinned by just how concretively and joyously Sakellaris is committed to telling this story. There is craft and passion in every song, from the lyrics to delivery. He leaps and bounds around the stage with such energy that you’re impacted immediately upon entering the room, and won’t want to leave in a hurry. It’s a light-hearted atmosphere that comes to reveal tender truths eventually, and reconnects us at the end with Sakellaris’ trademark buoyancy once more.

Sakellaris has an unbelievably rich and textured vocal tone – the vocals themselves are a stunning achievement. His register dips between musical theatre and into pop when necessary, with some hilarious impressions of Celine Dion and other pop stars thrown into the mix for good measure. There was a point where I was worried that the songs might become a little same-y, but for an hour it works, and Sakellaris undertakes a serious tone change in the narrative during the second half of the show that shifts the musical dial enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, or with your arms firmly in the air.

The piece is broadened by relatively expansive production design, with the flickering of the TV screen reflecting in Sakellaris’ face through lighting effects, and big rainbow flashes bathing him in queer imagery. This is pure, unescapable, authentic Queer joy at its best.

Recommended Drink: Get yourself onto Google and hastily search up your favourite Diva’s favourite cocktail.

Catch Alexis Sakellaris: A STAN IS BORN! one last time today August 25th from 19:00 at ZOO Playground – Playground 1. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

Jake Mace

Our Lead Editor & Edinburgh Editor. Jake loves putting together reviews that try to heat-seek the essence of everything they watch. They are interested in New Writing, Literary Adaptations, Musicals, Cabaret, and Stand-Up. Jake aims to cover themes like Class, Nationality, Identity, Queerness, and AI/Automation.

Festivals: EdFringe (2018-2024), Brighton Fringe (2019), Paris Fringe (2020), VAULT Festival (2023), Prague Fringe (2023-24), Dundee Fringe (2023-24), Catania OFF Fringe (2024)
Pronouns: They/Them