Binge Fringe Magazine

REVIEW: I Wish You Well – The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski-Trial Musical, Paul Taylor-Mills, EdFringe 2024 ★★★★★

We’re spoilt for choice at this year’s Fringe Festival for shows about Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski accident. I Wish You Well presents with a musical take on the trial, featuring spoof ‘poop’ products and prize-worthy performances galore. 

Gwynnie P has been called to Utah to face trial, counter-suing Terry for a singular dollar (ring any bells?). As both sides make their case, Gwyneth beguiles everyone in the court, especially Kristin, Terry’s attorney. High court fashion catwalks meet jaw-dropping reveals in this pop-culture musical extraordinaire.

Now the summarising is over, I can move onto gushing about this show for the rest of my word count. Never has there been so much entertainment packed into a sixty-minute show. I lapped up every second of it.

The writing is brilliantly done. They have taken the most meme-worthy moments from the trial and relayed them hilariously throughout the narrative. ‘Poop’ references are aplenty, with the whole court receiving gifted jade eggs in hysterical fashion. 

Choreography is super kitsch in a way that matches perfectly with the overall aesthetic. Short, snappy movements accompany hugely catchy tunes, keeping the visual allure of the show always at the forefront. The stage design as a whole has this wonderfully wonky aspect to it, as if the whole world has been turned upside down by this historic trial. 

The songs are an absolute smash-hit. We are guided through absolute belters, to parodies of Chicago as Terry revels in the fame that awaits him after the trial. It also helps that each performer has a killer voice. 

Diana Vickers as Gwyneth is a genius casting. Her characterisation is right on the money, playing Paltrow as sickly sweet, taking every opportunity to bask in her own fame. The iconic line “I lost half a day of skiing” is delivered with perfection every time.

Marc Antolin as Terry is so lovably old, played so well as the secret underdog of the trial. Whilst Idriss Kargbo as Judge Jude can only be described as one word: FIERCE. 

The stand-out for me was Tori Allen-Martin, playing Terry’s attorney Kristin. At times she was sweet, all-American, and at others she bordered on feral as she craved the opportunity to get closer to Paltrow. She was constantly funny, and played the part exceedingly well. 

I Wish You Well certainly know how to have fun. All there’s left to say, is that if the real Gwyneth Paltrow could sing that well, the world would break in two. 

Recommended Drink: Bone Broth. 

You can catch I Wish You Well at Underbelly, George Square – Udderbelly from Aug 24-26 at 17:45. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

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Issy Cory

Issy is a director, production assistant, and general creative wannabe based in Suffolk. After studying in St Andrews for four years she has made it her personal goal to return to Scotland whenever she can to take in all it has to offer. She loves original writing, femme-revenge, queer stories, new takes on classic tales and daring physical theatre. She likes comedy, but only the quirky, off-the-wall kind.  Her favourite drink is a nice cold lager (especially after a long day reviewing!)

Festivals: EdFringe (2024)
Pronouns: She/Her