Binge Fringe Magazine

REVIEW: The Sound of the Space Between, Harri Pitches, EdFringe 2024 ★★★★☆

When grief strikes, we are often left with a multitude of unanswered questions. How do we keep the memory alive of those who are lost? How do we get answers from someone who is no longer here? Perhaps we can find them in the space between…

Harri Pitches plays a man who has been flung into the throes of grief, inspired by the real-life loss of his maternal grandparents, as explained in the program notes. A voice calls to him from beyond, urging him to follow, and he is transported into his childhood garden where memories of his loved ones remain. Paired with live soundscapes made by Pitches himself, we journey into the land of ‘what if’.

Pitches’ mouth can do incredible things. He creates the sound of a rainforest, a chorus of splattering raindrops and distant squawks. His personification of the ‘voice from beyond’ is haunting, especially when processed through EQ pedals making it sound even spookier.

Our solo performer switches effortlessly between music production and relaying his heartfelt story. At all times Pitches is intensely switched on, and the audience are utterly enraptured as a result. 

The concept behind The Sound of the Space Between seems like a much-travelled path, with so many shows dealing with grief. However, the mythical journey we go on, particularly with its horrifying undertones, feels fresh. 

The protagonist’s repeated struggle, calling out to a voice that won’t reply, is reminiscent of the helplessness that grief usually brings. This contrasts wonderfully with the serenity of the garden, which carries beautiful memories in amongst California Poppies and Apple Trees. 

Towards the end, the audience are aware of their desire to reach the tragic yet peaceful pinnacle of this piece. We are suspended for just a touch too long in the uncertainty of grief, wishing for clarity. 

Pitches’ production is nevertheless a stunning meander through the trials that loss presents to us. It is a sensorial masterpiece that truly moves you. 

Recommended Drink: Tea. When you’re grieving people always make you tea.

You can catch The Sound of the Space Between at ZOO Playground – Playground 2  from Aug 20-21, 24-25 at 15:35. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

Issy Cory

Issy is a director, production assistant, and general creative wannabe based in Suffolk. After studying in St Andrews for four years she has made it her personal goal to return to Scotland whenever she can to take in all it has to offer. She loves original writing, femme-revenge, queer stories, new takes on classic tales and daring physical theatre. She likes comedy, but only the quirky, off-the-wall kind.  Her favourite drink is a nice cold lager (especially after a long day reviewing!)

Festivals: EdFringe (2024)
Pronouns: She/Her