Binge Fringe Magazine

REVIEW: MESSY FRIENDS, Gendermess Productions, EdFringe 2024 ★★★★★

Ever wondered what it’s like to peek behind the curtain of a drag show? With MESSY FRIENDS, you can. And you can get some killer drag performances served alongside, too. 

Documentary-style clips containing interviews, podcast snippets, and backstage footage appear on a large screen at the back of the stage. As each mini-episode ends, we launch into the number previously described in the film, as if it’s coming to life. We see drag in all its wonderful forms, and learn more about the beautiful people behind each persona. 

Gendermess productions, headed up by Ginava, bravely throw all our preconceptions of drag to the side, and present us with what they call anti-drag. It rejects the idea that drag performers should be female-presenting, always serving body and serving face. Creativity is in abundance as we see one crazy character emerge after another.

The use of masks is spectacular, and makes for massively entertaining lip-syncs. Each piece, be it futuristic robot helmet, mother nature’s elements, or dinosaur head, has been assembled with meticulous detail.

The costumes alone are worth the watch. Impressive would be an understatement. It is wonderful to go through Ginava’s wardrobe in the filmed sections of the show, to seeing it in the flesh onstage. Evidently, the company is dripping with talent in all areas.

Ginava’s ‘Bulimia’ persona is crafted with genius. Preceded by a clip of Ginava earnestly talking about the influence behind the upcoming act, it is impossible to not be in awe of the care and consideration that has been put into this work. 

There is a real effort to put truth and authenticity at the forefront of this show. We hear from the performers themselves about what led them to this moment and what they love about MESSY FRIENDS. There is a real sense of community reverberating through the audience. Everyone is truly coming as they are. 

Everything about MESSY FRIENDS is fabulously unconventional. The show pulses with originality, and leaves you feeling better for having seen something so magical.

Recommended Drink: Vodka. That always ends MESSY. You can catch MESSY FRIENDS at Assembly George Square Gardens – Piccolo from Aug 15-25 at 20:55. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

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Issy Cory

Issy is a director, production assistant, and general creative wannabe based in Suffolk. After studying in St Andrews for four years she has made it her personal goal to return to Scotland whenever she can to take in all it has to offer. She loves original writing, femme-revenge, queer stories, new takes on classic tales and daring physical theatre. She likes comedy, but only the quirky, off-the-wall kind.  Her favourite drink is a nice cold lager (especially after a long day reviewing!)

Festivals: EdFringe (2024)
Pronouns: She/Her