Binge Fringe Magazine

REVIEW: Every Brilliant Thing, Paines Plough and Second Half Productions, EdFringe 2024 ★★★★★

Content Warning: Discussion of Suicide

Our protagonist is seven years old, and mum has made an attempt on her life because she feels there’s nothing to live for, so he starts writing a list of all the ‘brilliant things’. What starts as a handful of bullet points grows as our narrator does, until there are a million of them. 

Each audience member is handed a sheet of paper with a number and a phrase, instructed to read them out when the number is called. As the play progresses the audience becomes more involved, with several of them becoming part of the performance as a vet or a university lecturer. We meet our love interest Sam, who finds out about the list, and the mum’s struggle, adding her own ‘brilliant things’ along the way. 

This is a solo show, but it feels so far from it. The audience are actively and purposefully involved in the action, with their contributions making for exciting new happenings for both performer and crowd. Donahoe, our solo narrator, embraces every new line, every quirk that his audience provides, before whisking us back into the heartfelt story he’s telling. 

The way they cast each surprise audience cameo is expertly done. The Dad is instantly recognisable as the stereotypical ‘no nonsense’ father, listening to records in his office and finding it hard to communicate his wife’s depressive demeanour to his son. It is truly magical how each member of the public slots into their new role. It is so intentional it feels true. 

This is a story about suicide, about depression, about losing someone so connected with your life that it affects every relationship you make. Yet, it is a story about life, about its joys, its beauty and appreciating the little things we sometimes take for granted. Writing down all the ‘brilliant things’ cannot save the person you never want to lose, but it can show you that there is hope in the face of tragedy. 

There is little to say about Every Brilliant Thing, apart from that you should go and see it. Go see it, and feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders. 

Recommended Drink: Fruit punch. Enough for everyone to share. 

You can catch Every Brilliant Thing at ROUNDABOUT @ Summerhall from Aug 8-12, 14-19, 21-24 at various times. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

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Issy Cory

Issy is a director, production assistant, and general creative wannabe based in Suffolk. After studying in St Andrews for four years she has made it her personal goal to return to Scotland whenever she can to take in all it has to offer. She loves original writing, femme-revenge, queer stories, new takes on classic tales and daring physical theatre. She likes comedy, but only the quirky, off-the-wall kind.  Her favourite drink is a nice cold lager (especially after a long day reviewing!)

Festivals: EdFringe (2024)
Pronouns: She/Her