Binge Fringe Magazine

INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Danielle Scott, Sharing ‘Sour Candi’ With Us at EdFringe 2024

A whirlwind of lust and bad decisions envelopes Candi, the character written and performed by Danielle Scott in Sour Candi at EdFringe this year. The show explores the impacts of abusive relationships alongside a down-the-rabbit-hole and often comedic journey of threesomes, a trip to Thailand, and Tinder dates. We caught up with Danielle to chat about the show before it arrives at EdFringe later this week.

Catch Sour Candi at Just the Tonic at the Mash House – Just the Cask Room from August 1st to 11th at 13:05. Tickets are available through the EdFringe Box Office.

Jake: Hi Danielle! Tell us about the journey you’ve been on creating Sour Candi band how it’s ended up gracing the EdFringe stage this year.

Danielle: Sour Candi has been on a long and interesting journey, starting as a crazy pipe dream that I could turn my unimaginable experience into a solo show that would one day be told on stage as part of Edinburgh Fringe. The idea has been bubbling away in my brain for over 10 years which is when the chapter of my life, which the show is based on, came to an end. I began writing the play 2 years ago when Fringe was starting in 2022 and following all the buzz online, I felt compelled to finally create my own show. Enough time had passed by this point, enabling me to look back at the relationship in question (and a wild time in my life) to find the dark humour in what occurred and share my story.

I spent a year writing and in 2023 I premiered my work as part of the Camden Fringe under a different name; Sex, Drugs & Hairy Bum Holes. I produced, directed and performed the show for a 5 night run at the Hen & Chickens Theatre. Doing everything myself for the first time was terrifying but also extremely rewarding and a pivotal part of this journey. I digested all the feedback and realised the show had great potential, so I started reaching out to directors to help me take it to the next level. I teamed up with the incredibly talented director/producer Cerys Baker (In a Pickle Productions) and director Soeren Wellens, together we have developed the show along with script rewrites and a fresh name: Sour Candi is now ready for Edinburgh. 

Jake: Can you tell us a bit more about what inspired the story and what made you want to cover some of the more difficult themes in the show?

The inspiration behind my show is my own personal experience with gaslighting, emotional and physical abuse in a toxic relationship. I hope to increase the awareness around the signs of coercion and abusive relationships, encouraging my audiences to reflect and talk to us about this story. The themes covered in Sour Candi also touch on violence towards women in relationships and revenge porn, both of which I have endured myself and I feel that allowing myself to be vulnerable around these topics may help other victims realise they are not alone and release some of the shame and stigma attached. 

Although Sour Candi is a play covering some very serious and sensitive topics it’s also full of humour and heartfelt moments. The comedy comes from my lived experiences, which have left some audience members open mouthed, often asking me after the show ‘did that really happen?!’ And yes, it did. All of it!

As a company, we wish to help people feel seen and heard, to know they are not alone in their struggles, that there is help and hope as it takes such bravery to leave an abusive relationship. We wish to be able to touch even one person’s life, giving them the strength to seek help and confide in someone.

Jake: So what are you hoping people walk away thinking and feeling?

I hope the audience walk away feeling thoroughly entertained whilst also thinking about the impact a narcissist can have on a trusting partner. The show is extremely candid and in parts I chat directly to my audience as if I’m confiding in a best friend which I feel will really connect them to my character and they will be rooting for her. I want to show audiences the subtle yet powerful ways a partner can assert coercive control using manipulation techniques, love bombing, isolation, threat and ultimately, violence.

Jake: Now Fringe season is so close, what are you excited for?

Danielle: Now we’re gearing up for Fringe season I’m actually excited for so many things. It’s my first time doing EdFringe so whilst I have all the nerves and anticipation of wanting to have a fantastic run, I’m also going into it with an open heart and remembering to have fun and enjoy every moment. I can’t wait to get into the city and feel the buzz, I’ve seen lots of social media posts already of performers arriving and you can feel the energy is going to be off the scale. 

I’m looking forward to meeting fellow creatives from all walks of life and stumbling across random crazy hidden gems of shows in unlikely places! I’m anticipating laughing, crying and screaming all in the same day if any of the previous accounts of first time Fringe-goers are to be believed! 

Jake: Fitting with the themes of our magazine, if your show was an alcoholic beverage (think cocktails, shots, beers, be creative!) what would it be?

Danielle: If Sour Candi was an alcoholic beverage it would need to be a Dark n Stormy blended with a Sex On The Beach followed by a double tequila chaser. That should just about get you through it.

Jake Mace

Our Lead Editor & Edinburgh Editor. Jake loves putting together reviews that try to heat-seek the essence of everything they watch. They are interested in New Writing, Literary Adaptations, Musicals, Cabaret, and Stand-Up. Jake aims to cover themes like Class, Nationality, Identity, Queerness, and AI/Automation.

Festivals: EdFringe (2018-2024), Brighton Fringe (2019), Paris Fringe (2020), VAULT Festival (2023), Prague Fringe (2023-24), Dundee Fringe (2023)
Pronouns: They/Them