Binge Fringe Magazine

INTERVIEW: A Digital Pint with… Larisa Faber, getting ‘stark bollock naked’ at VAULT Festival

Today we’re joined by Writer, Director and one of the Performers of stark bollock naked, a piece which describes itself as “all about the tick tok of the biological clock”. Setting out to reclaim the body, Faber and co-performer Catherine Kontz will be using video mapping and a mini-orchestra of “gynaelogical instruments” to set about discussing everything nudity, pregnancy pressure and feminist culinary tips. We sat down with Larisa for a pixelated pint to peel back some of the layers of the show.

You can catch stark bollock naked at VAULT Festival between the 25th and 26th of February at 19:45 and 14:30. Tickets are available through the VAULT Festival Box Office.

Hi Larisa, you’ve put together a “modern day chick-flick about the relentless tick-tock of the biological clock”, tell us about what inspired you to bring the show to VAULT Festival.

“I’ve seen some of the most inspiring work at VAULT: unconventional, multidisciplinary, a little niche, always daring. It’s a festival that welcomes many different voices you don’t get to see elsewhere. When I started making my show, VAULT was always one of my hopes. My own show is a bit of an oddity, it’s weird and very personal.”

Your show features video mapping and a “mini-orchestra of gynaelogical instruments” – tell us more about these exciting devices and how the process was of putting them together.

I’m naked, immobile and taped up in the show: a human projection space. We use video mapping to literally poke fun at all these assumptions and projections society has about female bodies. How we should dress, behave, what we should do with our bodies. What people should do with their uterus, their eggs – if you have some, you’ve got to use them! Can’t let them go to waste! That’s more or less what my gynaecologist told me when I turned 30; gotta use them before they expire. That’s where the gynaecological instruments (speculum & co) come in. Instead of having them shoved up my vagina, they’re used to make music.”

“The show was first developed at Camden People’s Theatre (shout-out to the brilliant CPT!). If you missed it at CPT or are into CPT shows, this one’s for you!”

The show is a self-described reclamation of the body and reset of the mind – what are you hoping the audience take away from it?

“I’m hoping that people who’ve also struggled with the pressure to conceive feel seen, empowered. Also, this is a migrant-led show, so if people are into niche, international work with a dash of weirdness, this is the show for them! After all, we’ve also got a singing brain in there, dishing out advice about what to do with your eggs instead. We’ve got plenty of egg recipes in store, so you’ll walk away with some feminist culinary tips to throw at the biological clock!”

Now that we’re gearing up for VAULT Festival 2023, what are you most excited for? 

“Just being there again! Seeing shows by artists I admire and discovering new shows and artists.“

Fitting with the themes of our magazine, if your show was an alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage (think cocktails, mocktails, shots, beers, be creative!) what would it be?

“EGGNOG. It’s got to be eggnog, considering how much we talk about what to do with our eggs in this show! You’ve actually given me an idea here, thank you for that question.”

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Jake Mace

Our Lead Editor & Edinburgh Editor. Jake loves putting together reviews that try to heat-seek the essence of everything they watch. They are interested in New Writing, Literary Adaptations, Musicals, Cabaret, and Stand-Up. Jake aims to cover themes like Class, Nationality, Identity, Queerness, and AI/Automation.

Festivals: EdFringe (2018-2024), Brighton Fringe (2019), Paris Fringe (2020), VAULT Festival (2023), Prague Fringe (2023-24), Dundee Fringe (2023-24), Catania OFF Fringe (2024)
Pronouns: They/Them