The acceleration of world events have allowed the past few years to be, well, a dirge, a lament for the dead. We have seen struggle and we have seen triumph. The world has taken a shape not many of us recognise. Some people have forcefully found their feet, some people have lost their footing and some people have gone so deep into their psyche they can’t tell where their feet are meant to be. Jacky performing Stop The World I Want To Get Off addresses 10 reasons why she is ready to press her eject button. Of all the coping mechanisms our species has found to survive this immense remodelling of this world, this beautiful woman juggled her expression into poetry.
In this stripped back one woman show, it was the audience and Jacky. We were taken through the frustrations of the world as seen by a mother just trying to exist in the society we live in today. She was funny, considerate and sweet. Although the topics of some of Jacky’s poems were relevant and relatable, I found my attention wondering. I was not grabbed in the way I thought it would be on an issue I find so important.
There was comedy stitched into the show which gained the right response from the audience and whilst Jacky was making light of a situation that desperately needs sunshine, the jump between the rhymes, and speaking to the audience with explanations – didn’t allow me to fully enjoy the show enough to get into the storytelling of her poetry.
Poetry should be a precious art form that conveys emotion, putting thought into poignant words or providing entertainment. It should be memorable and gets to the heart of the point quickly enough that you’re able to understand and feel the sharpness of the message being expressed. It should do a formal dance around your emotions, engaging them as it engages you. However, this felt like it was an ambitious friend sharing her new found form of expression with us, the concept was promising but it was lacking practise and flow.
The ending of the show was an interesting take and joyfully well intentioned. Reading a poem together where Jacky would read a line and we would repeat the same line felt very reminiscent of primary school. I can appreciate the interactivity of this section, however it felt a little out of place.
There is a great deal of potential here, the poems were relatable and funny, putting into words what I believe a lot of the demographic would be feeling. The delivery just needs a little more care, and a little less explanation. This will grant the words a chance to use their rhythm to do the talking.
It’s cosy, it’s light, yet lacking depth, flow and trust in the work.
Recommended Drink: A Capri-sun, spiked with Vodka. A drink enjoyed as a kid, with a little bit of spice
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